Sunday, May 9, 2010

Eyebrow Wax Allergic Reaction

Dow Jones - a rebound strongly, if not ...

The Dow Jones ended the week only 13 points below long term moving average of 150 days, currently located with 10.393 points. This 150-day moving average was used as support during the recess area earlier in the month of February, then this area is very significant support for the index. I often mentioned that a long-term moving average, a 150 or 200 days a tie between a bear market to a bull market and acted as a kind of tipping point for determining the trend of stock markets . The body of the candle on May 7, the solid part of the candle almost finished on the MM 150 days, while the lower shadow, the wick of the candle has almost touched the 200 day moving average.

These two moving averages are very revealing existing strengths of Dow Jones, a rebound on the support area of the moving average of 150 days is a possibility. But the footprint of the bearish last week is so heavy technically and psychologically speaking, I doubt the quality and sustainability of the rebound short term if it occurs, caution is advised.

The fracture of the moving average of 200 days if this occurs, represent the continuity of the downward movement and guide the direction of Dow Jones the hollow area located anterior to 9.835 points And thus build a structure of type "double dip short term" .
The second graph is period week, we just note that when the Dow exited through his lower corridor of fluctuation in which bull he had been for three months It was in a position of potential weakness. And breakage of the support area of 10.988 points, the downward movement fell under acceleration, but nobody could foresee a historic fall of this magnitude in such a short time, 997 points free fall in the depths of the storm last Thursday . By cons, once an important and significant support area is broken down by, a process of disengagement long positions should begin , support areas are still office STOP protection. So in today, Tuesday or Wednesday you were conveniently already out of the market or at least your positions were oriented to take advantage of the potential decrease in the making ...

Still on the chart week, voi well as the Dow came bumping into resistance zone Fibonacci 38.2% last week. And if the 200 day moving average is screwed by down, it will also represent the fracture zone of 50% fibo is located above the MM 200 days. Very often after a break important, a security or index has a high probability of returning to the area of Fibonacci 50% and then falling back in bearish mode thereafter. In the case of Dow Jones, the Fibonacci zone of 50% was smashed up by early March and the upward force has pushed the index up to the next fibo resistance area, which is the 38.2%.

What I want to express is that if the 200 day moving average is broken down by significantly shorten this index below the diagonal line resistance red and it could be a type structure bearish "Bull Trap" which would be built over the past 10 weeks , the blue square on the graph. So for this reason, moving averages of 150 and 200 days are to be observed with great attention and then the potential area of "double dip" located 9.835 points.

In today strongly rebounding stock market, otherwise a second three-year bear market is upon us ...

previous analysis mai.html-

Posted by Claude Bordeleau

Template Building Report

Dow Jones - a historical decline

The graph of the Dow Jones in the fatal date of May 6, 2010, the scope of this bearish candle is now part of history . In the depths of the day, the Dow Jones made a drop 9194%, a historically low of 997 points in one trading session. Earlier this week, I was talking about the volatility that there was currently on the Dow Jones, this volatility was speaking through the large-scale candlelight type Marubozu who had been present for several days. I mentioned also the importance of support area of 10.988 points who acted as a red warning light for the validation of the reversal of the upward trend in court. And thereafter, the break of Fibonacci retracement of 23.6% added a strong negative bias and validated Breaking the Dow downward Jones.

Day Thursday is now part of market history, regardless of the real reasons that have triggered the sharp drop in North American indices, a break "extreme" has occurred. This candle bearish 9% represents the state of market panic, this is the emotion that is in total chaos, which is the opposite of the most comprehensive supposed "efficiency of equity markets" . Several technical supports were broken this week, but also the state confidence to the markets on which was already very precarious it must be said. This relative confidence is absolutely necessary for economic stabilization and a subsequent recovery potential real, what happened this week is likely to add another building block within the basket of investor confidence and lead to this basket even deeper into the deep waters of instability ...
Tuesday, May 4: "structuring the graphics with support and resistance zones you make rational irrationality somehow you makes visible the structure of the matrix ... "
Highlight the graphic structure of the power relationship between bullish and bearish it is perpetually on the stock market is not a futile exercise in style, this lets you disengage or initiate positions trading strategies that are more favorable trend in court, to synchronize in some ways with the change of stock movement.

previous analysis

Posted by Claude Bordeleau

Friday, May 7, 2010

Signs That A Scorpio Man Likes You

The Toronto index

Despite some electronic or human error may have occurred yesterday ... ?? The Toronto index still rebounded to exactly the basis of its fluctuation corridor or area of the moving average of 200 days. For now the integrity of the upward movement of the TSX is preserved, but a break down of the MM 200 days is so fast arrival by these days ...

Personally I do not think a simple human error could be catapulted all North American stock markets in a Trench in minutes, and a moment later "sorry for the inconvenience, but this downward trend is due to a one dysfonctionnallité one of our stakeholders."

Strategically, the excuse seems to be "stupid and evil" and the more likely it is accepted by the population is large, return to the simplicity of the excuse to get a systemic failure, or even triggered a strong position in the interest of the nation ... this is not the first time this has happened ...

previous analysis

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Does String Wax Do

Dow Jones, Dow Jones

Yesterday morning I was talking about the volatility of the index and the magnitude of the last great candles (Marubozu) expressing this volatility ... A few hours later all the lights are red. With the loss of 225 points for the Dow, this represents the largest candle bearish since last February 5 , then the downward volatility was at the rendezvous, is the least we can say.
I mentioned again yesterday morning the importance of the support area of 10.988 points , I indicated that this area was medium to observe carefully to determine a reversal potential of the current uptrend in the index. The downward break of the support area of 10.988 points was validated in closed sessions, then a bearish reversal is currently in court.

The Dow has finished his daily race with a difference of only 4 points over the area of 23.6% Fibonacci located at 10.922 points, breaking the retracement will add further validation to the downward movement. On breaking the 23.6% fibo direction area of 10.715 points, the previous high of last January or area fibo 38.2%. A "Pull Back" on the area support 10.988 points (movement back on an area support become resistance), then a downward relapse is a possibility that would consolidate the downward movement already underway.

The long-term moving average of 150 days is currently located at 10.385 points and also corresponds to the area of the Fibonacci 61.8%, which could be the last stronghold of the bearish zone of the curve points of the index and maintain all well it a positive direction for the long term.

Conclusion: on breaking the 23.6% fibo management area of 10.715 points and then the 50% retracement is at 10.550 points to observe if the downtrend continues.

previous analysis

Posted by Claude Bordeleau

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tooth Ache Medicine On The Market

May 4, May 3

The first warning of a potential reversal of the upward trend in short term was activated twice since the last scan of 23 April. That is to say that support short-term moving average of seven days has been battered by the bottom two again, but this break has not been validated by following the curve of points in the Dow Jones. Somehow, the first red light sinctiller, but the green light came back later.

But most important is that the second light validation reversal of the uptrend is never passed to the red . This second lighthouse intelligence short term takes the form of the support area of 10.988 points, this support has not been smashed at the bottom, then upward integrity of the index is still valid now .

On 23 April I wrote: "The early signals bearish reversal will occur by the breaking of the 9-day moving average which is currently an excellent support, then by Following breakage of the support area of 10.988 points. "

Large black or white candles that are currently on the graph to day, represents very well the volatility and indecision of the market reacting very aggressively to the continuing flow of positive news or negative. For almost three months that the index is within a wave bullish short term, while the large candles (Marubozu) represent the volatility of various market participants who make a strategic retreat, then return in force at the slightest jolt positive . This thriving and

this volatility can not possibly be rational and controlled efficiency of financial markets is a beautiful chimera, but structures the graphics with support and resistance zones you make rational irrationality somehow you make visible the structure of the matrix ...

previous analysis

Posted by Claude Bordeleau