Friday, October 29, 2010

Take Apart Office Chair Wheel

Evening Storytime with BERNARD GRONDIN

Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 19 h 30 - followed by a talk

House Villebon host the fabulous storyteller BERNARD GRONDIN . Some say that it is tripped a clown, a poet "flye" and sensitive, others say it is expressive, lively, crazy, or delusional. Still others argue that it is a blessing that should be spread over all of us as humanity that emanates from the narrator soothes the torment of the soul. The universe of this show will happen at an evening New Year's Day, in the blackened shingles p'tite house of grandparents Grondin. Chairs leaning against the wooden slats of the kitchen wall, the "uncles" the worst "aunts" who prate, "s'ostinent" worst laugh endlessly. Through all c'te hubbub there, his grandmother began to stomp too bad to tell, tell ...

After training in dance, mime, theater and circus, storytelling appropriates BERNARD GRONDIN . He co-founded the LOGOS conterie Productions (Urban Tales to The Unicorn Montreal) and tales the Red Hat to Babylon Cafe in Quebec City. It tells in Europe, Africa ... It has been hailed as the revelation of the year 2002 by the critic André Ducharme Radio-Canada in Montreal.

LAST CHANCE to visit the exhibition SUZANNE PERREAULT, painter, Sunday, October 31, 2010.

Villebon House opens its doors for free entertainment
Every Thursday from September 16 to December 16 to 19 h 30

Passes available at the Library Wednesday before the show at 19h for the citizens of Beloeil

Pass waiting for shows presented nightly 30 minutes before the beginning of the service for non-residents and those without tickets.

ticket info: 450 467-7872
show info: 450 467-2835 ext 2914

630, rue Richelieu Beloeil - Just blocks from the library



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