Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can You Get A Stiff Neck With Tonsillitis

The shrine of Paray-le-Monial

Letter Response to 20g permanent validity in France with authorization Postal No. 30304 , allowing send a gift to Paray le Monial common Saone et Loire in Burgundy.
The shrine of Paray-le-Monial is located in the city known as the "Sacred Heart", in the town Paray-le-Monial, chief town of the department of Saone-et-Loire in Burgundy. Its inhabitants are called Parodiens or sometimes Cacous (in reference to their legendary ancestor, Jean-Marie Cacou)
Earth crossing and history, land of faith nearly two millennia, the Mecca of Romanesque art, the Burgundy is one of the roots of France, Europe and the world. The website here.

The foundation of Paray-le-Monial
In 971, the Count Saint Lambert asked Mayeul implement a monastery. Building major Paray-le-Monial, this Romanesque church, restored in the nineteenth century, is a jewel of Romanesque Burgundy, built for the glory and praise of God. Once outside, the facade features a remarkably simple. The narthex and the right tower dating from the early church. The sanctuary is a harmonious layering of rounding. The circle is a symbol of heaven and it marks the sacred space of religious buildings, in contrast with the angular parts, symbols of unification. The tower is not really angular, or perfectly round. Here join the sky and creation. Eight sides symbolize the 8th day, the resurrection of Christ, source of faith celebrated in this house of God. The building soars to a height of 22 m, 25 m at the crossing for a length of 63.5 m. It combines all the number 3: composed of 3 naves bays overhanging arches 3, then 3 windows, and the chorus itself has three apses of the choir ... The fresco dated XIV and was not discovered until 1935, the apse spherical throne symbolizes the sky where the King of Creation: Christ in Glory blessing. Fort experienced by the Black Death of 1346-1348, then by the Hundred Years War, and finally by the religious wars, the Priory of Paray-le-Monial is a mere shadow of himself when, June 20, 1671, Marguerite Alacoque entered the Monastery of the Visitation of Holy Mary.

In the seventeenth century, Christ appeared to a nun, St. Margaret Mary, born in a neighboring village and religious in the Monastery of the Visitation. In three major appearances, he presented his heart "Behold this heart which has loved men so much and not receiving in return only ingratitude of those who are devoted to him." Soon, Margaret Mary received the support and spiritual guidance of a Jesuit Saint Claude La Colombiere. Paray-le-Monial, a devotion born giant, called the cult of the Sacred Heart. Born pilgrimages to Paray-le-Monial and shrines were built around the world, the most famous (in France) is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre.
Today, this pilgrimage, which had seemed to fall into relative oblivion, a great success. The charismatic renewal made his first session in 1975 which was continued by numerous meetings organized by the Emmanuel Community *. Pope John Paul II came there on pilgrimage October 5, 1986. Since 1986, the bishop of Autun told the animation of this rise to the Emmanuel Community. The number of pilgrims continues to grow and succeed rallies during the summer but all year.

*: The Emmanuel Community is an international public association of faithful of pontifical right, founded in 1976. Its purpose is to allow him to enter the path of holiness required by God with a special focus on spirituality Eucharistic adoration, compassion and evangelism. For these qualities and exercises, members of the Emmanuel Community want to protest the action in the world of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel (Hebrew for "עִמָּנוּאֵל", "God (is) with us") by His Spirit Saint.

House St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church: 03 85 81 25 24, 5 Rue du 11 Novembre, 71600 Paray le monial
Cure's Basilica Catholic Church: 03 85 81 05 84 30 Rue Louis Desrichard, 71600 Paray le monial, 83023115, language, E.html


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