Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Toronto - forks Andrews, February 20

Saturday, April 3, 2010 " The trident of Alan Andrews is essentially corridors fluctuations composed of three parallel lines with a lower and an upper part that can be subdivided into middle lane. The handle of the fork, the main axis is a pivot point to tie the two main corridors of the trident.
Where corridor is smashed from the top or bottom, it expresses the strength or weakness of the trend in court. The bottom or top of each corridor represents a potential area of support or resistance, these areas of support / resistance become tipping points that tell us about the evolution of the path followed by the value. When the centerline of the fork is smashed from the top, the next goal becomes the intermediate zone of the upper passage and thereafter the upper part of upper channel is the next target.

On the bottom section of the first graph of the Toronto index, we can see that the base of the axis of the fork Andrews was positioned on the trough of October 2002. This dip is the lowest part of the index since the last thirteen years, having a hollow lower and equally significant, it must go back to 1993. Then, the base of the shaft of the trident, the anchor point number 1 of the fork is placed at a location very significant. The placement of the anchor point number 2 and 3 was very easy to determine, it is the historical peak Index to 15.154 points and trough of March 2009 to 7.479 points.

I just explain the mechanics of decision-making that allowed me to build the trident that's on the Toronto index chart to demonstrate the absence of random parameter when I drew this fork . All three anchors were forged by the market and represents significant points on the chart for the TSX.

Monday, December 6, 2010: "For 15 months, the main thrust of the trident is a very important resistance zone for the TSX, this wall will be exceeded when a potential support area for the index, a tipping point very significant has been crossed. "
Sunday, February 20, 2011
For nearly three months now that the curve points crossed the resistance area represented by the red diagonal line located on the centerline of the main trident. This area was in resistance mode for almost a year and a half, then when at last December this very significant resistance was smashed, a new upward momentum is triggered which created the large candle type Marubozu December 2010.

In the dynamic movements of the fork Andrews, as mentioned above, "When the centerline of the fork is smashed from the top, the next goal becomes the intermediate zone of the upper passage." On the chart below, the next goal is illustrated by the gray dotted diagonal line, but when the time window is relatively large or that differences in points of a trident are relatively high, you can split each channel needs the main fork to set goals in the shorter term.

The subdivision of the lower part at the top of the main axis, the handle of the fork is represented on the chart by the green line diagonally dotted line, you've surely noticed that the prospective target coincides with the historic high of 15.154 points on the Toronto index, then this is the next goal achieved by dynamic movements of Andrews, while en route to the previous peak potential of the TSX.

For the latest analysis of the Toronto index of 20 February HERE
For the above analysis on the trident Allan Andrews

Claude Bordeleau
The observer technical analysis of stock markets


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