Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Review Doug Kaufmann Antifungal Diet

Granpré 04.04.2005, SECAP FD

DOC-letter 08-GRANPRÉ 04/04/2005 (15:15), SECAP FD
Postage: YT3744 issued from 10 / 01/2005 LAMOUCHE Marianne PST red Perforation AAdhésif
Dest: EDF-GDF Reims
bureu Postal: Rue des Quatre Frères Tellier - 08250 Grandpré

Electricite de France (EDF) is the leading company in production and supply of electricity in France. EDF was created April 8, 1946 following the proposal of nationalization of property of various companies in generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. This measure included in the CNR program was defended by the minister (trade unionist and communist) Industrial production Marcel Paul.
A public industrial and commercial (EPIC) until November 2004, she has changed status, actually becoming a public limited company 19 November 2004. The company is characterized by the preponderance of nuclear energy in its production report. It also operates in France, a fleet of 58 nuclear reactors in operation. In France, nearly 88% of electricity production is nuclear EDF.

Grandpre is a French commune, located in the Ardennes department and the Champagne-Ardenne. Its inhabitants are called Grandpréens and Grandpréennes.
The town covers 28.6 km ² and has 495 people since the last census of the population. The population density is 17.3 inhabitants per km ² on the town. Surrounded by the common Chevières, Beffu-and-the-Morthomme and Senuc, Grandpre is located 41 km southwest of Sedan the largest nearby city. Located at 126 meters altitude, the river Aire is the main river that runs through the town of Grandpre.
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandpr% C3% A9

This place was through the ages subject to looting and pillaging of all kinds and each time rebuilt. Grandpre south of the hill overlooking the station is named "Butte of Attila."

The village took its rise during the reign of the Merry family. You can see a painting in the Louvre representing the marriage of the Duke of Joyeuse. The dance performance was given at the Louvre on the occasion of the marriage of Anne, Duke de Joyeuse and favorite of Henry III, Marguerite de Vaudémont September 24, 1581. Both are recognizable in the couple dancing in the center of the composition and designated by Catherine de Medici, sitting on the left between Henry III, under the royal canopy, and Queen Louise of Lorraine.
Visit the church to discover the tomb of Claude de Joyeuse, marble tomb topped the Four Cardinal Virtues beheaded in the Revolution.


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